Crazy Sexy Diet is a guide to transitioning to a vegetarian, mostly raw diet that is low-fat, alkaline, low-glycemic, and healthly. The book makes scientifically based arguments for adopting this lifestyle, backed up by essays written by experts in the fields of medicine and nutrition. You'll also learn about the benefits of cleansing, juicing, meditation, yoga, and more, to put you on the path to physical, mental, and spiritual health. The book concludes with a complete plan for a 21-day cleanse to get you started, with recipes and a resources section.
Yesterday, we started the 21-day detox and I can already tell it's working. I woke up happy today. My husband, Travis, even took notice. After my morning shower, I came out to make sure the kids have had breakfast. He looked up and said, "Wow, you look really good today!"
So, if you are looking for a good guide book on your journey to eat RAW. Or looking for some information to give to those that are concerned about your new, crazy eating habits. I recommend this book.