Today is a better day. I still have a cold. But last night I had some honey before going to bed and that coated my throat well enough to let me get some sleep.
I woke up without a headache. My mode is much more positive overall. I have a happier outlook on life. I know the detox is working too. After my green juice this morning, everything cleaned right out of me. Too Much Information? Well, that's a big part of detoxing!
Green juice this morning was awesome:
1 green apple
handful spinach
handful parsley
2 celery stalks
1/2 cucumber
handful of kale
slice of papaya
Some one asked me about my juicer yesterday. So I decided to blog about why we have the Champion Juicer rather then the basic juicer you find in the stores.
We spent hours online investigating juicers and realized that the cheap ones wouldn't last. Making the decision to invest a few hundred dollars in our health was worth it. Also, we knew the Champion would last. There are reviews from people who have had their Champion juicer since the 70's! We have not regretted buying it since our purchase 8 years ago. We can't count the number of juicings our Champion has had. It has never overheated, never jammed, never plugged up. The motor has never required service or maintenance. Besides being efficient and relatively quiet, it blasts through any type of veggie or fruit, with ease.
This is no lightweight juicer! Unlike the department store juicers, it has a very large motor, a GE, with tons of torque. This is because this is a masticating juicer with a slow-turning cutting cone. Without the cone assembly on the front it is actually not large at all. We keep it on the counter for 2 reasons. It's heavy and hard to store and if we keep it out, we are more likely to use it.
We also like the fact that the attachments are made of nylon for durability rather than hard plastic which we worried might split or chip- the nylon is easy to clean.
Clean up is very simple: rinse, soak and wipe. Takes less then a minute!
The juice always turns out great! The Champion is able to extract all the liquid from the fruits and vegetables. It runs the left-over pulp out the front cone. We collect it in a bowl and toss into the compost. The size of the receptacle for juice is somewhat limited but we've been using this machine for so long, it's not an issue for us.
We love our Champion juicer! We use it every day and plan to continue for years to come.