Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Preparing for Round T

I got out my RAW cook books and checked all my RAW recipe websites to find some recipes for our 14 day start of RAW food diet/detox.

I decided to go at this round with a plan. I've created a menu for the next two weeks and after that I created a shopping list; as well as a schedule so that I can prep food that needs time to dehydrate or soak.

I feel much more prepared this time around. I can't wait to get started too. The past few days I've been very irritable and tired. I want that refreshed, happy feeling again. (So do the kids)

We will be going to the farmer's market this weekend to get our supplies, then over to Whole Foods to get what was not available at the FM.

One week to go...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting Ready to Start Up Again!

Okay. It has been almost a month since Travis and I ventured out on our RAW food diet.
I can tell that over the past few weeks, my moods have changed back to the way they were. Which, by the way, are not always the most pleasant. Less patience, easily irritated and very over tired.
I have also put back on some weight.

This weekend we are taking Blake and Brianna to Disneyland for Brianna's fifth birthday! When we come home we are vowing to start a 30 day RAW diet!
Starting September 1st and ending September 30th. Of course this will be 80% as I may go a little crazy without some cooked food here and there. Especially when we go camping or visiting with friends.

I am looking forward to feeling good about my body, feeling healthy, feeling rested and feeling peace. My overall goal is to have these feelings and then have my family and friends see them in me and feel them as well. Cause when Mama's happy, everyone is happy :-)

Until September.....

Friday, August 13, 2010


It's been a few weeks since my last entry.
We fell a bit off the RAW foods diet for the past two weeks. Vacations will do that to you.
We did make sure that we had a salad every day. We also continued to have the fresh fruit juice every morning.
Last night I made RAW tacos again. They are soo yummy and filling. Then I went to Cooking Club and ate a lot of chocolate. :-O
Cooking Club is a group of my friends getting together at someone's home and having a potluck based on a predetermined theme. Last night was Chocolate!!
We talked about the RAW diet and I became re-inspired to begin it again. So on Monday we will start eating more RAW foods.
I am very much looking forward to feeling good again.
Also, at the end of the month, I will be joining a friend of mine on a Detox Program. Hopefully this will help me kick my sugar addiction.
Until next time....