Well, sort of.
Last night for our date night there was little to choose from. We ended up at a Japanese restaurant and ordered the tofu/veggie plate. So we had cooked food :-(
The craziest part was how we felt afterward. We both had this heavy feeling, almost hung-over; and we both woke up grumpy.
So this morning, after drinking fresh fruit juice, Travis went for a run outside and I did Yoga while he took the kids to Farmer's Market. Then we both jumped right back onto our RAW diet.
It feels so much better eating fresh food!
Tonight I made RAW pizza. I blended flax seed, almonds and Italian spices and then dehydrated them for about 6 hours. Topped them with fresh tomato sauce, spinach, zucchini and tomato slices. So Yummy!
Tonight I'm making a RAW brownie recipe I found. Probably won't be as good as baked, but at least it's chocolate!!
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