Why RAW you ask? About a year ago, my husband, Travis and I attended a introduction to Eating RAW foods. We were blown away by the presenters. They were a couple in their 60s and looked like they were 40 something. They had amazing energy, great skin, and love and peace was present all around them. After meeting them, we knew we wanted what they have. We then began dabbling in RAW foods off and on for the past year.
A week ago, after engorging in the usual summer fares of BBQs and ice cream, we realized that we have not been taking very good care of our bodies. We decided that for one week we will eat only RAW foods! And then go back toward our vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, having RAW foods be the main substance of our diet. Eventually, we may become full RAW, but right now, I still like eggs, cheese and my baked desserts!
Then I realized I need to get more organized about this new diet and research recipes and such to figure out what we are doing. That is when I decided to blog. I read "Kristen's RAW" book and she mentions blogging being a great way to keep yourself on track. So here we go.....
Today we start this journey!
This morning I started out with a banana. Checked my email and FB (Facebook) Then ordered a Dehydrator.
Travis makes fresh fruit juice every morning: oranges, apples, strawberries, grapes, and whatever other fruits are in season: peaches, raspberries, etc. We blend them in our VitaMix and enjoy it throughout the morning. It is very filling!! (and cleansing)
This afternoon I exercised. I walked for 20 min. and then did some strength training with weights, sit-ups and squats. NOT my favorite things to do. I would have much rather been playing with Legos with my kids.
I then made our two kids' (7 and 5 years old) lunches. PB&J for our son and grilled cheese for our daughter. I was hungry at this point and stole a few bites of the grilled cheese. I acknowledge that mess up and will jump back on track. I then ate a fruit salad. Saving the veggie salad for dinner.
Still feeling hungry as I write this, so I am off to eat an apple and then play with my kiddos!
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