I ended up getting a loose cap on my tooth. It then inflamed my gums. so eating anything with spice or citric acid burned. All I wanted was ice cream.
As you can probably guess from the picture...I had ice cream sandwiches from Trader Joe's.
Then we went to visit some relatives for Labor Day weekend. They are "meat and potatoes" kind of people. We stuck to being vegetarian, but not RAW again. We had grilled veggies. Which were very delicious!
Now this week, I am going to Cooking Club. Which is a "Mom's Night Out" potluck-type gathering. I know for sure there will not be a lot of RAW selections. But I am confident I can stay vegetarian.
So basically, I let life control what I eat, rather then being in charge myself.
Travis and I have decided to re-evaluate (yet again) and see why the RAW diet is important to us.
Health was the biggest contributor.
We chose to have our life be all vegan (eek, I'm going to miss eggs) and two to three days a week have RAW foods.
So...Here we go, yet again.....
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