Monday, September 20, 2010

RAW tacos tonight!

Today I started making the RAW taco shells. They smell soooo good. It's a lot easier then I thought it would be too. Just cut the kernels off the cob, Blend it up with a yellow or red pepper (or both, like I did), a tablespoon of ground flax seed, and a tablespoon of chili powder. Blend up in the VitMix and then spread out to dehydrate for 3 to 4 hours (flipping half way through). Then just top with your favorite taco toppings. I soaked quinoa in taco seasoning, and cut lettuce, tomatoes, and avocados.
I can't wait do dive into these tacos tonight!!!

Since we started eating mostly vegan, I have lost 5 lbs. Feels so good to be eating healthy!
Woo Hoo!!

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