Today I started making the RAW taco shells. They smell soooo good. It's a lot easier then I thought it would be too. Just cut the kernels off the cob, Blend it up with a yellow or red pepper (or both, like I did), a tablespoon of ground flax seed, and a tablespoon of chili powder. Blend up in the VitMix and then spread out to dehydrate for 3 to 4 hours (flipping half way through). Then just top with your favorite taco toppings. I soaked quinoa in taco seasoning, and cut lettuce, tomatoes, and avocados.
I can't wait do dive into these tacos tonight!!!
Since we started eating mostly vegan, I have lost 5 lbs. Feels so good to be eating healthy!
Woo Hoo!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Vegan Meal!!
Tonight I made a vegan Eggplant Parmesan. And yes, the kid's loved it. Blake and Travis had seconds! (which is a first)
I breaded the eggplant with veginaze (non dairy mayo) and bread crumbs and baked for 12 minutes (flipping half way through) then bought a gluten free marinara sauce (in a jar) and a vegan mozzarella cheese (it was made from rice)
So yummy!!
I'm so proud of the new menu items I've been coming up with. We have definitely turned a corner with our eating habits. I love how I feel now after eating a meal. No longer heavy and full. Satisfied!
Until next time....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Here we go, yet, again :-P

I ended up getting a loose cap on my tooth. It then inflamed my gums. so eating anything with spice or citric acid burned. All I wanted was ice cream.
As you can probably guess from the picture...I had ice cream sandwiches from Trader Joe's.
Then we went to visit some relatives for Labor Day weekend. They are "meat and potatoes" kind of people. We stuck to being vegetarian, but not RAW again. We had grilled veggies. Which were very delicious!
Now this week, I am going to Cooking Club. Which is a "Mom's Night Out" potluck-type gathering. I know for sure there will not be a lot of RAW selections. But I am confident I can stay vegetarian.
So basically, I let life control what I eat, rather then being in charge myself.
Travis and I have decided to re-evaluate (yet again) and see why the RAW diet is important to us.
Health was the biggest contributor.
We chose to have our life be all vegan (eek, I'm going to miss eggs) and two to three days a week have RAW foods.
So...Here we go, yet again.....
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Here we go again
Last night I got started: dehydrating the crust for the chocolate mousse pie; soaking almonds; and starting mung bean sprouts.
This morning starting out good. Travis made us fresh fruit smoothies. We had a HUGE salad for lunch. And for snacks we had apple slices and peanut butter.
I also rode my exercise bike for 20 minutes.
Then tonight as I was getting ready to make dinner, zucchini spaghetti just did not appeal. We both caved and ate the leftover vegan lasagna with the kids. Erk!
As I sat down to begin this blog, Travis came to me and we both took a moment to re-evaluate, acknowledge our weakness and start ourselves back up again.
After I finish writing, we'll take the dog and kids for a walk, hopefully burning off some of the pasta.
And once the kiddos are asleep, we'll be diving into the RAW chocolate mousse pie! I can't wait!!!
* you can find the recipe in the link: Raw Foods. on the right.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Preparing for Round T
I decided to go at this round with a plan. I've created a menu for the next two weeks and after that I created a shopping list; as well as a schedule so that I can prep food that needs time to dehydrate or soak.
I feel much more prepared this time around. I can't wait to get started too. The past few days I've been very irritable and tired. I want that refreshed, happy feeling again. (So do the kids)
We will be going to the farmer's market this weekend to get our supplies, then over to Whole Foods to get what was not available at the FM.
One week to go...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Getting Ready to Start Up Again!
I can tell that over the past few weeks, my moods have changed back to the way they were. Which, by the way, are not always the most pleasant. Less patience, easily irritated and very over tired.
I have also put back on some weight.
This weekend we are taking Blake and Brianna to Disneyland for Brianna's fifth birthday! When we come home we are vowing to start a 30 day RAW diet!
Starting September 1st and ending September 30th. Of course this will be 80% as I may go a little crazy without some cooked food here and there. Especially when we go camping or visiting with friends.
I am looking forward to feeling good about my body, feeling healthy, feeling rested and feeling peace. My overall goal is to have these feelings and then have my family and friends see them in me and feel them as well. Cause when Mama's happy, everyone is happy :-)
Until September.....
Friday, August 13, 2010
We fell a bit off the RAW foods diet for the past two weeks. Vacations will do that to you.
We did make sure that we had a salad every day. We also continued to have the fresh fruit juice every morning.
Last night I made RAW tacos again. They are soo yummy and filling. Then I went to Cooking Club and ate a lot of chocolate. :-O
Cooking Club is a group of my friends getting together at someone's home and having a potluck based on a predetermined theme. Last night was Chocolate!!
We talked about the RAW diet and I became re-inspired to begin it again. So on Monday we will start eating more RAW foods.
I am very much looking forward to feeling good again.
Also, at the end of the month, I will be joining a friend of mine on a Detox Program. Hopefully this will help me kick my sugar addiction.
Until next time....
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day 7 - We Made It!
Today we celebrated with fruit juice popsicles. So yummy on this hot summer day.
Tonight we will be having veggie pasta. I'm going to cut up most of our vegetables and mix it with real pasta (spelt) and some olive oil and basil.
For those of you reading, the brownies last night were NOT a hit. Very dry! I will not be trying that recipe again.
So now that we've made through our first week kick off, we are now going to have a 60% RAW diet from here on out.
I won't be posting everyday, but I'll try to keep up at least once a week, posting the new recipes we will be trying out.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day 6 - One Day to Go
Well, sort of.
Last night for our date night there was little to choose from. We ended up at a Japanese restaurant and ordered the tofu/veggie plate. So we had cooked food :-(
The craziest part was how we felt afterward. We both had this heavy feeling, almost hung-over; and we both woke up grumpy.
So this morning, after drinking fresh fruit juice, Travis went for a run outside and I did Yoga while he took the kids to Farmer's Market. Then we both jumped right back onto our RAW diet.
It feels so much better eating fresh food!
Tonight I made RAW pizza. I blended flax seed, almonds and Italian spices and then dehydrated them for about 6 hours. Topped them with fresh tomato sauce, spinach, zucchini and tomato slices. So Yummy!
Tonight I'm making a RAW brownie recipe I found. Probably won't be as good as baked, but at least it's chocolate!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Day 5
Started out the morning with a delicious fruit smoothie. Took a 20 minute walk. Then played Legos with my kiddos.
In the afternoon I began making crust for RAW pizza. Mostly just soaking nuts and seeds right now. Then tomorrow I'll be grinding them up and dehydrating.
I am very excited about our new dehydrator! There are so many more possibilities for meals. I just need to be more organized about planing our meals out since it takes HOURS to dehydrate certain foods.
I am also excited about date night tonight with Travis. We were going to go to a RAW restaurant in the area, but just found out it's closed. Not sure what to do now, maybe try a place with great salads? I'm sure we'll figure something out. It's just going to be nice to be just us for a few hours.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 4 - Awesome Day
Then as I was cleaning up breakfast (fruit juice and bananas) UPS showed up with the dehydrator I ordered on Monday. Woo Hoo! More options for meals now.
So I tore open my RAW cookbook and found a recipe for avocado tacos. The taco shells (blended corn, a red pepper, ground flax seed, and lime juice) were quickly whipped up and put on the sheets to dehydrate. They smell really good.
I am so very happy to be past the grumpy detox stage. It's amazing how fast it passed.
I also exercised this morning. Crunches, weight lifting (only 3lbs weights mind you) and a 20 minute walk. I almost don't recognize myself. I very passionately dislike exercise. So doing it twice in one week is amazing.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 3
They say the third day is the hardest. Your body is transitioning to it's new diet and wants to tempt you to getting back to what it's usually eats. Change is hard.
But I just keep myself surrounded by healthy, RAW foods.
We went to the park with our friends today and everyone had some great food to snack on. So I kept myself as far away from the temptations as possible. (I did sneak some tortilla strips to dip in some hummus) The great thing about our friends is that most of the snacks were fruits. So even if I did grab something, it would have been okay for me to eat. But the sandwiches, and pretzels looked so good and I was feeling week today.
Tonight I am making a quinoa salad. The quinoa just needs to soak in the water for a little longer since the water doesn't get heated. I love quinoa, so I'm excited about dinner tonight. Plus the quinoa will help me feel like I'm getting more substance in my body.
I am also making a meal for a friend of mine who just had a baby. She requested my famous brownies. Let me tell you, the smell of the brownies is torture! I think I need to research some RAW dessert recipes!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 2

I woke up so hungry! I caved in and ate an egg this morning. Then continued with RAW for the rest of the afternoon. Fruit juice, plums, plums and more plums. and a few oranges. So far.
I must be starting the detox that comes with changing to a RAW diet. I am so grumpy today and have noticed a few zits on my face this morning. As annoying at detox side effects can be, there is joy knowing that my body is getting rid of the toxins that have been building up in my body. I am really looking forward to having a healthy clean body at the end of this.
Tonight I am making RAW lasagna. I've made it before and it is very delicious! This is a picture of the one I made a few months ago. I am going to attempt it again tonight.
I am also looking forward to getting over this grumpy stage. It's so good to have Travis and my friends supporting me through this week. And my kids who force me to pull myself out and take care of them.
Here's the recipe for the RAW Lasagna:
1 cup pine nuts (soaked for 1 hour or more)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 tablespoons water
Brushetta sauce (you can use pre-made or make yourself)
3 or 4 ripe plum tomatoes diced
1 clove garlic, minced
½ tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
3 or 4 fresh basil leaves, chopped
Pesto (you can use pre-made or make yourself)
2/3 cup chopped fresh basil
1/3 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons pine nuts
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic, minced
For assembly:
2 med. zucchinis - thinly sliced lengthwise
2 large tomatoes - thinly sliced
2 fresh basil leaves
Place about 4 zucchini slices, slightly overlapping, in the center of each plate. spread brushetta sauce over zucchini, top with dollops of "ricotta". Add pesto then top with tomato slices. Repeat twice then garnish with fresh basil leaf.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Here we go.... Day 1
Why RAW you ask? About a year ago, my husband, Travis and I attended a introduction to Eating RAW foods. We were blown away by the presenters. They were a couple in their 60s and looked like they were 40 something. They had amazing energy, great skin, and love and peace was present all around them. After meeting them, we knew we wanted what they have. We then began dabbling in RAW foods off and on for the past year.
A week ago, after engorging in the usual summer fares of BBQs and ice cream, we realized that we have not been taking very good care of our bodies. We decided that for one week we will eat only RAW foods! And then go back toward our vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, having RAW foods be the main substance of our diet. Eventually, we may become full RAW, but right now, I still like eggs, cheese and my baked desserts!
Then I realized I need to get more organized about this new diet and research recipes and such to figure out what we are doing. That is when I decided to blog. I read "Kristen's RAW" book and she mentions blogging being a great way to keep yourself on track. So here we go.....
Today we start this journey!
This morning I started out with a banana. Checked my email and FB (Facebook) Then ordered a Dehydrator.
Travis makes fresh fruit juice every morning: oranges, apples, strawberries, grapes, and whatever other fruits are in season: peaches, raspberries, etc. We blend them in our VitaMix and enjoy it throughout the morning. It is very filling!! (and cleansing)
This afternoon I exercised. I walked for 20 min. and then did some strength training with weights, sit-ups and squats. NOT my favorite things to do. I would have much rather been playing with Legos with my kids.
I then made our two kids' (7 and 5 years old) lunches. PB&J for our son and grilled cheese for our daughter. I was hungry at this point and stole a few bites of the grilled cheese. I acknowledge that mess up and will jump back on track. I then ate a fruit salad. Saving the veggie salad for dinner.
Still feeling hungry as I write this, so I am off to eat an apple and then play with my kiddos!
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